
Sunday, November 25, 2012

The work of Magnus Emil Dahlander in Stuyvesant North

Stuyvesant and Jefferson 1894 Drawing Magnus Emil Dahlander Architect, built for Eli H. Bishop

591 Jefferson Ave Langston and Dahlander Architects 1891

Magnus Emil Dahlander

East side of Stuyvesant Ave M. Dahlander built 1892

Magnus Emil Dahlander - architect and heritage carers - was born in Sater Sweden on August 2, 1862 and died in the same city on 8 May 1951. This does not mean that all his life he lived in Sater. On the contrary. He led the next 55 years, a very active life. The father, who was a pharmacist and as such created a good financial standing, moved with his family in 1866 to Linde, where he built his own house. The drawings of the building were eventually the young Magnus' first primer in the building alongside the real abc book, where he became acquainted with the elementary school in the city and then to continue the preparation of learning acquisition in Gothenburg during the years 1872 to 1874 . Years later the father sold his pharmacy in Linde and purchase by hovapoteket crown in Stockholm. The family moved there and now Magnus continued his schooling in New Elementary School. It was during an era when this school with traditions from Carl Jonas Love Almquist time, as the state's sample school yet still took a rank position among Swedish high school. He stayed there mate with several young men, who in different ways and in different political camps would become known personalities, including Louis Stavenow, Karl Staaf, Bergegren and Daniel Fallström. His first acquaintance with art in its higher meaning he did in 1876 when he entered the Free Art The Academy in its elementary drawing school or, as it is also called, basically school. Here he met the first time, Anders Zorn. At that time he undertook a summer trip to Dalarna with some of his schoolmates, referred depicted by him in his remembrance. From that time never ceased Dalarna, his birthplace, to pull him to her. But before he would come to experience a lot. In 1879 he moved from Stockholm and New Elementary School to Örebro, where he graduated in 1883 matriculation. It was followed by a brief stay in Paris, where he in accordance with the family.
Stuyvesant and Jefferson c.1900
Stuyvesant and Jefferson built 1892
Dahilander recieved his Degree at the University of Technology in 1888, followed by studies in such United States and several European countries. City Architect in Örebro 1899-1914. Architect in army barracks building committee from 1914 to 1917. Moved to Sater 1917th County Architect in Kopparberg County 1920 - '. Chair. the Planning Committee in Sater 1919 -? Founded the local history museum Åsgårdstrand
500 Hancock built 1891 Langston and Dahlander Architects
500 Hancock built 1891 Langston and Dahlander Architects
500 Hancock built 1891 Langston and Dahlander Architects
While in the US Dahlander lived and worked in Brooklyn, New York.  He only lived in Brooklyn from 1888 to 1896.  In that short time this man would transform Brooklyn residential architecture into something the city has never seen before.   Many of Dahlander homes can be found in Crown, Heights, Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Bedford and Stuyvesant Heights.  Dahlander worked with architect Frederick B. Langston for the first few years here finially going on his own.  Eli Bishop a local developer who I plan to write about in the near future often hired Dahlander to design his beautiful townhomes. Before Dahlander left for Sweden he linked up with another Swede name Axel Hedman and would design many homes in central Brooklyn.  Dahlander would past the torch to Hedman who would stay in New York until his death.

571 - 587 Jefferson Avenue built in 1891 Langston and Dahlander Architects
Stuyvesant North is not landmarked and we would love to protect the great work of Dahlander and the many other architects that worked in this area of Bedford Stuyveant. 

View other works of Magnus Emil Dahlander here

Lost Bedford Stuyvesant Brooklyn Orphan Aslyum

From 1870 until 1942 stood on Atlantic Avenue and Kingston Avenue a grand building for the orphan children of Brooklyn.  To read more about the Brooklyn Orphan read my friend Montrose Morris write up on this great building: Brooklyn Orphan Asylum.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

1920's Nostrand Avenue

A great image of Nostrand looking north towards Halsey street.  The Alhambra (the building on the left) has storefronts put in by this time.  Mostly everything in this photo is still here today although the building with arch has lost the arch.  The building was designed by Langston and Dahlander in 1891 for Senator William Reynolds.  These buildings are part of the Calendared Bedford Historic District.
Early images of Bedford Stuyvesant:  Greene Ave 1902 NW side at the corner of Nostrand Ave
495 Greene Ave  the residence and office of Dr. H. Albert Wade 1902.  This house designed in the 1880's by Amzi Hill is still standing unprotected.   We hope to one day landmark this great block of Greene Avenue.